Hotel Plan with a visit to Historical Sake Brewery(Saturday)
Hotel Plan with a visit to Historical Sake Brewery(Weekday)
Japanese Sake Brewery Tour from the Inn Related to a Famous Japanese Poet (Weekday/Sunday)
Japanese Sake Brewery Tour from the Inn Related to a Famous Japanese Poet (Saturday)
【果樹の年間契約 限定2名】 福島・飯坂で収穫体験もできる!「くだものの木オーナー制度」
Fruit Harvesting Experience at Iizaka, Fukushima!「Fruit tree owernship scheme」(Annual Contracta are Limited to 2 People)
【April to November】Kayak Tour with Nature of Water source protection area
Hideyo Noguchi Memorial Museum: Admission + Souvenir Set Plan
~西会津で過ごすアートな時間~ アーティストが教える会津藩の御用紙「出ヶ原和紙」づくり
喜多方の旅の思い出増やしませんか? 【初心者歓迎】創業約230年の歴史ある酒蔵でこだわりの日本酒試飲会
家の晩酌がもっと美味くなる!? 喜多方 旬の肴とともに味わい、学び、語り合う。酒好きのための日本酒講座
Sake Tasting Session at a Historic Sake Brewery in Kitakata (Beginners Welcome!)
Sake Tasting in Kitakata with Side Pairing Course for Sake Lover
東北最古の「焼物」文化に迫る~特別公開の工房見学を有名陶磁研究家 森由美の解説を添えて~
Discover Tohoku's Oldest Pottery "Aizu Hongo-yaki": A Two-Day Premium Pottery Experience with a Special Open Studio Tour and Commentary
Craftsmanship and Cuisine: A Journey Through Aizu Hongo-yaki Pottery
Unveiling the Secrets of Sake: A 3-Day Exclusive Guided Adventure in Kitakata
Savor the Essence of Kitakata: A 2-day Luxurious Sake and Lacquerware Experience
Limited “Kura-biraki” Event Once A Year: Dive Deep into the Heart of Japanese Sake Culture
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